Sunday, 18 March 2012


- Our pledges to YOU -

We will:
Engage with ALL members of the community:
  • We believe the Joint Parish Council must be open to ALL. If we do form the next JPC, we would welcome intervention from any member of the public who wishes to engage with us. We don’t want anyone to feel too intimidated to talk to us, or that we won’t listen to them. Apart from in a few exceptional circumstances, all our meetings and decision-making will be open to the public.
  • We plan to have regular meetings based around specific local groups – for example: youth; the elderly; local businesses. These will provide the opportunity for those groups to discuss their issues, concerns and opportunities with us and other members of our community who attend the meetings.
Run the Joint Parish Council as efficiently as we can:
  • We have identified a number of costs savings which we will endeavour to implement. The savings can then be reallocated to other important community projects.
  • We work like to have just one Parish Council meeting per month and reduce the various sub-committee meetings, which take up a huge amount of time for little benefit. We feel that one efficient monthly meeting is all that a town the size of Henley requires (and is consistent with what happens in similar-sized towns). This means all JPC decisions will be taken at the single monthly meeting and, as we said above, you would be most welcome to attend.
Use the JPC funds wisely and fairly, across the whole community:
  • The JPC spends its precept (which is the parish part of YOUR council tax) on the local community. This includes some fixed costs and some discretionary grants. We want everyone to be aware of the grant process and to invite more projects to apply for grants.
  • We also want the community to advise the JPC which projects they think the JPC should support with a grant.
Work hard to make Henley an even better place to live:
  • ‘Guerilla’ gardening projects – to grow fruit and vegetables in un-used local spaces.
  • Consider making Henley a Fairtrade Town.
  • Encourage and promote community volunteer projects – such a litter picks, sign cleaning, etc
  • Investigate ‘time-banking’ so that projects and societies can trade time to help with one another’s projects.
  • Work WITH the community to make sensible decisions regarding important local issues (such as The Hub, Croft Car Park and the Railway Station buildings)
So, if you like what you hear and feel we could make a difference,
please vote 
Henley Independents on May 3rd

Your Vote Counts!

Why does the JPC clerk have to work around 37 hours per week?

Stratford Midweek Herald - Tuesday 20th March 2012

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